
How to Collect on a “Judgment”

In a collection case, if the Plaintiff wins, the court grants the Plaintiff what is known as a “judgment”. The judgment is simply the court’s determination of whether or not the Defendant owes the Plaintiff money. The judgment is step one in the collection process. The second step is how the Plaintiff will collect on ...

Leaving Minor Children While on Vacation?

You may not want to consider appointing an individual to consent to health care of your child in your absence. This can easily be done by a Health Care Consent or Power of Attorney document prepared by a knowledgeable attorney to ensure compliance with the statutes of your state. The Health Care Consent would grant ...

Bankruptcy: Filing in Indiana and Kentucky

The main difference between a Chapter 7 bankruptcy and a Chapter 13 bankruptcy is that in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy the filer will typically not pay back any of the money he/she owes to their creditors. Conversely, in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy the filer will pay back a portion of the debt he/she owes to ...

Indiana Law Allows Certain Criminal Records to Be Expunged

Indiana Code 35-38-8 allows Indiana citizens with certain criminal offenses to seal their records. The law allows for anyone who has been acquitted, who has had a case dismissed or who has had a conviction vacated to restrict the public disclosure of their arrest record.

A Guardian What?

Courts often appoint individuals called Guardian Ad Litems in custody and parenting time disputes. Initially, most people involved in these disputes are not familiar with these individuals and do not understand their role is in their case. Guardian Ad Litems (“GALs”) are individuals appointed by the Court to look out for a child’s welfare.